Can-Do's People
Can-Do was founded and is run by Gillian Bates and George Bassett
Gillian Bates is an independent film-maker, having trained through the Visible Film Course (Broadway Media Centre) and the Open University Digital Film Course, graduating with an A (as she tells everyone who will listen). She is currently working on a short documentary film with Vivien Sabel called "Lost in Screen" and and has recently made a promo film for the Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute.
George Bassett trained in documentary filmmaking with the Visible Film Course. He has since gone on to make several short films and documentaries, including "Only Connect" about a group that carries out random acts of kindness. Being a drama therapist and performance storyteller, he is keenly interested in the creation of story through visual imagery. George is one of the Festival's three judges.

Nicole Eileen studied at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, London, as part of her degree in English Literature and Language at King's College London. She honed her acting skills at the Lace Market Theatre including Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado about Nothing. She has also acted on screen in the short film "Seahorse 500". Nicole currently performs in The Bard's Tales for Can-Do

Damian Frendo is a member of Nottingham’s acclaimed Lace Market Theatre and has performed in many plays including Jerusalem, Bent, Female of the Species and Twelfth Night (Nottingham Arts Theatre). Damian currently performs in The Bard's Tales for Can-Do.

Jayne Woollen is advisor for Can-Do Film. She is an actor and has appeared in several a short films including 'Seahorse 500' and 'Inglorious 3D'. Jayne was a judge for the Can-Do Film Festival in 2015.

Frank Abbott
Frank Abbott is a film maker who has produced work in almost every form of film and video technology over the last 40 years.
He began making Super 8mm movies and went on to write and direct TV programmes for the BFI and Channel Four. He has made short films, web sites, slide shows, streaming media installations and performances. In 2013 he won the Nottingham Castle Open Exhibition award and exhibited his new work 'Processing'. He is based at Primary in Nottingham.
Frank has designed an animated logo and trailers for CAN-DO.
Frank Abbott
Frank Abbott is a film maker who has produced work in almost every form of film and video technology over the last 40 years.
He began making Super 8mm movies and went on to write and direct TV programmes for the BFI and Channel Four. He has made short films, web sites, slide shows, streaming media installations and performances. In 2013 he won the Nottingham Castle Open Exhibition award and exhibited his new work 'Processing'. He is based at Primary in Nottingham.
Frank has designed an animated logo and trailers for CAN-DO.